Set Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->Max.Verified Application Experience (in services.msc) wasn't disabled (I'm using Win10.Checked startup scripts for like- or identical processes.Removed "Read Only" attribute from entire project folder.Build->Clean Solution, then Build->Build Solution.Complete Reentry of all code from scratch.Restarted VS2015, running "as Administrator".Made sure there were no hanging procs (including procs with my project name, devenv.exe.Using ProcessExplorer, find handle or DLL substring that included my project.Here is what I have tried to alleviate this problem. I have spent a greater portion of three days scouring the web for a solution to the problem, to no avail. I have checked the path, the the ProjR5.exe doesn't even exist, yet upon starting the build, VS is looking for it, however, based on the error semantics, the issue isn't the missing file, but the denial of access to anything in the path.

"vbc : error BC2012: can't open 'C:\MyProject\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\ProjR5.exe' for writing: Access to the path 'C:\MyProject\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\ProjR5.exe' is denied." Was able to run project approximately 2,000 times before the error started occurring: