Linux shutdown command
Linux shutdown command

This will turn off your system without any delay.

linux shutdown command

You can write the time at which you want to shut down the window $ shutdown now If you want to display any message about why you are shutting down the system or anything else, you should mention it in the field. If you like to shut down your computer in advance with a predefined time slot, you should mention it in the field.

linux shutdown command

There are various options available for shutting down the system, as you can also halt or reboot your system rather than just shutting it down, so you need to mention it in the field. The shutdown command can be used in several ways for example, if someone wants to shut down the system instantly, then they can follow the below-mentioned syntax: $ sudo shutdown

linux shutdown command

Now, as you understand the benefits of shutting down your system, it’s time to learn how you can do that in Ubuntu 20.04 using a terminal. How to use the shutdown command in Ubuntu 20.04

  • When you leave your system for an extended period, it may be subjected to power spikes or unscheduled load-shedding, resulting in the loss of unsaved data.
  • This process will be eliminated when you shut down your computer, giving you a smoother and quicker experience.
  • Programs can sometimes consume too much memory, causing your system to slow down or even freeze due to memory hogging.
  • Shutting down your computer every day offers your system an opportunity to repair any problems and correctly reboot the driver.
  • Your system drivers can crash or malfunction, such as graphic cards, printers, monitors, or other drivers.
  • By turning it off, you are allowing your system to clean everything and start over.
  • Leaving your computer on for an extended period will put a lot of strain on your system components like processor, ram, hard disk, etc., and reduce their lifespan.
  • linux shutdown command

    Frequently shutting down your system is highly recommended as it has lots of advantages. When your computer system is shut down, it no longer consumes any power, and all operating programs have been terminated. The Shutdown is a command that you give to your operating system (OS) to turn it off completely.

    Linux shutdown command